To manufacture your products, Twinplast uses various foams and solid composite materialss such as:
Hard foams: EPS, XPS, Polyurethane (PU), Polyisocyanurate (PIR) and Raku-tool®
Soft foams: LD(PE), EPP, Polyethylene (PE) cross-linked foam, Polyether and Pantera®
Solid composite materialss: Polyoxymethylene (POM) and other composite materialss or foams that you supply.
The hardness (how hard you need to push to compress the foam; this depends on the foam structure), the density (the effective weight), the material type, colour, fire-resistance properties, moisture absorption, etc. are very different between the various foam types. As a consequence, the choice for a specific foam or solid composite materials is determined by the application and requirements of the finished product.
Hard and soft foams and solid composite materialss are contour cut of routed. 3D elements, decorations and artwork are routed. In addition, they are used as insulation material or as protective packaging.

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